Bounce School merupakan sekolah Gymnastic Trampoline untuk anak umur 5 tahun keatas
Gymnastic Trampoline sendiri adalah olahraga akrobatik yang memanfaatkan trampolin
Melatih kemampuan motorik seperti gerakan anggota tubuh, penguatan otot, sampai struktur tulang sehingga murid siap berolahraga apapun
Menumbuhkan mental positif seperti semangat berolahraga, kompetitif, keberanian, dan disiplin
Modul latihan berdasarkan Australian Gymnastic Curriculum, dan diajari oleh National Level Coach yang Certified dari Gymnastics Trampoline
Raih Prestasi Bersama Kami!
Semua murid Bounce School berpeluang mengikuti kompetisi nasional maupun internasional
Indo Tricking, We Jump The World Event, National Jamboree, dan masih banyak lagi
Apa saja yang akan dipelajari di Bounce School?
Bounce School menawarkan 5 kelas khusus untuk anak anda :
Gymnastic Trampoline provide students with a strong foundation in physical movement and conditioning that is required in almost all sports. Student will enjoy aibone experiences while being in control and aware of their physical. They will learn some skills like somersaults, twist, front & back flip, and many more.
Tricking is a practice of combining several martial arts skills. Students will learn all of basic movement starting kicks, flips, and twists. They will indirectly practice their strength, agility, speed, balance, and flexibility. They will get a change to participate in the Annual National Competition “Indo Tricking” that’s also followed and won by some of our choaches.
Parkour is a combined movement of jumping, running, and passing obstacles from one point to another. It teaches students to train their focus and control their balance while jumping and landing in a safe way. Parkour help kids to increase as well as maintain their speed, accuracy, memory, and cardiovascular system. At National level, there are annual events that are followed by our coaches including National Jamboree, We Jump the World Event, and many more.
For some people who are not in the extreme sports, moving the whole body accompanied by music is a fun, safe, and exciting activity that can be an option. Some of our coaches have participated and won the dance competition such as ; 1st place “HipFest 2019” and 2nd place “Projam 2017”.
Cheerleading is an activity that combines dance, gymnastic, acrobatic, and cheering moves by making stunts or pyramids in a team as a form of encouragement. Some of our coaches have participated and won few cheerleading competition ; 1st place Southeast Asia Cheerleading Competition (SEACO) in Singapore, 1st place Royal Cup 2019 Jakarta, and 1st Cheerfest 2020 Jakarta.